Dr. Jefferson R Caruthers, Jr. is a native of Anaheim, California. He is the son of a gospel preacher. Jefferson Caruthers, Sr. His father, J. R. Caruthers, Sr., attended Nashville Christian Institute (1948-1951) under the late Brother Marshall Keeble. Brother Caruthers, Jr. is one of eight children born to Brother Caruthers, Sr. and Mabel Caruthers.
Brother Caruthers became a Christian in Santa Ana, California (1969) under the preaching of Brother William Brown, who then ministered to the Westside Church of Christ in Santa Ana.
Jefferson Caruthers, Jr. is a graduate of Southwestern Christian College (A.A., 1980), David Lipscomb College (B.A., 1982), Harding University Graduate School of Religion (M.Th.1987), Cleveland State University (M. Ed., 2004), Faulkner University (MPhil 2017), Hood Theological Seminary (DMin, 2018). Dr. Caruthers is presently completing his dissertation at the Kearley School of Theology, Faulkner University, holding ABD status.
In 1983, Jefferson Caruthers, Jr. married Felecia Sandrelli Spinks of Auburn, Alabama. They are the parents of seven children, one son in law, one daughter-in-law, and seven grandchildren. Chava (Mike Mash, Michael, Cecelia, Carina, and Marciano), Jefferson III, Carmen, Joshua (Jasmine Caruthers, Jai Evan, Jonah Cole, and Jericho), Hayley, Joel and Jonas (the last two are twins). Sister Caruthers also attended David Lipscomb College and is a graduate of Memphis State University (B.S. 1985), and the University of Mississippi (M. Ed., 1990). She is currently completing the Masters in Library Science at the University of North Carolina Greensboro.
Brother Caruthers began formally preaching in 1977. He has ministered to the Central Avenue Church of Christ in Coldwater, Mississippi (1983-1993), and to the Adams Avenue Church of Christ, Cleveland, Ohio (1994-2005). Brother Caruthers began his work as preacher for the Carver Road church of Christ in July of 2005. He has spoken on college lectureships on subjects including the history of the restoration leaders. He has also spoken on numerous state and regional lectureships, the national lectureship, youth meetings and gospel meetings. He is the author of several tracts as well as workbooks on both Old Testament and New Testament writings. He has written Bible School materials for the 21st Christian series, “Blueprints.” He also publishes study materials through proclamation epress. He is one of the co-authors of the work, Help from Heaven: Exposition of Ephesians, 2018, a publication of the National Teachers Workshop.
Jefferson Caruthers is on the executive board of the National Lectureship of Churches of Christ, chairs the board of the North Carolina Brotherhood and State Lectureship, is on the board of directors for the National Teachers’ Workshop, is a board member of the Southeastern Lectureship, chairs the board of Quality Education Academy (K-12 Charter School that began at Carver Road), and is on the board of Quality Independent Living (an apartment facility of 42 units built by the church). Brother Caruthers also serves as area board representative for the W. F. Washington Institute (formerly Ministers Institute Conference convening in Fort Lauderdale, Florida; annually). As an educator, brother Caruthers is an instructor for the School of Religious Studies in Little Rock, Arkansas. In 2018 he was accepted as an Adjunct Instructor at New York Theological Seminary. In the year 2001, brother Caruthers founded the “Proclamation Press New Year’s Symposium” held each January of the New Year.