Men's Ministries
Recognizing the enormity of the challenges our society faces, Carver Road Church of Christ is dedicated to making a lasting impact through our campaigns and programs. While our efforts are driven by our organization’s singular focus, we spread a wide net by investing in a variety of progressive strategies. Learn more about our initiatives and get involved yourself.
Edification & Worship
To build up and strengthen the body of Christ. Preparing the people of God to maintain faith throughout everyday challenges.

Responsibility for building upkeep, regular cleaning, and repairs to ensure the day to day appearance is top quality.
Building & Grounds

Assesses/responds to and assesses requests for needs, distributes according to guidelines, administers bereavement responses, etc.

Map curriculum for age groups and classes for the entire congregation, familiarize themselves with materials to meet the objectives.
Education & Curriculum Planning
Share the gospel of Jesus Christ through preaching and teaching. Taking the gospel to the world with the partnership of the brothers and sisters in the Church of Christ.

Provide support / encouragement for fathers, mothers, children, young and senior adults through spiritually enhanced activities and worship.
Family Development & Support

Member Accountability
Member attendance, members' information, visitation and encouragement, help all members show responsibility to the church

Teachers are committed to edifying all members and setting the example in attendance, offering, and support of our leadership.

Acknowledging our senior members as being an intricate part of our congregation and providing for their needs.
Elderly & Seniors

New Members
Assist new members in making a smooth transition into the Church of Christ. Form a partnership that will provide guidance/encouragement.

Responsible for being aware of our sick and shut-in members. Services provided for these members includes home worship.
Sick & Shut In

Operation of audio, video, print, advertising, etc. as needed to support the main ministries and services of the congregation.

Provide our youth people with the opportunity to be a part of a spiritual group focused on living to the glory of God.

Provide church members transportation to and from church services and events as needed, provide service to QIL upon request